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Meet Jay virtually


London, United Kingdom


9 AM - 5 PM

Empowering Every Individual for Career Success

I prepare every single person I encounter for interviews, offering practical Q&A sessions with experienced professionals. Upload your CV and book an appointment to enhance your job readiness.

Two individuals are seated at a wooden table in a classroom or office setting. One person, wearing a gray t-shirt, is writing in a notebook, while the other, dressed in a suit, observes and offers guidance. The room appears to have minimal lighting, with a soft natural light coming through the windows.
Two individuals are seated at a wooden table in a classroom or office setting. One person, wearing a gray t-shirt, is writing in a notebook, while the other, dressed in a suit, observes and offers guidance. The room appears to have minimal lighting, with a soft natural light coming through the windows.
Invaluable guidance for job seekers.

Jay Rao
